Summer Camping Safety Tips

Summer Camping Safety Tips

Summer is here, which means looking for more ways to get outside — like camping, a popular summer tradition. Below are a few tips to help you have fun and be safe on your next camping trip.


Plan: Prepare for your trip ahead of time and make sure to research the area and be prepared for any conditions including rain, wind, and storms. Before you go, check for any fire restrictions in the area.

Prepare: Pack proper equipment and gear for your camping trip. Remember to always pack a first aid kit and bring extra layers of clothes for backup.

Advise: Let close family and friends know your itinerary and decide on check-in times to keep them updated.


Pay attention: Keep an eye out for wildlife and pay attention to the skies for impending changes in the weather.

Keep your area clean: Clean up after yourself and be sure to keep all food out of reach of wildlife. Leaving trash or food is bad for the environment and the wildlife. And besides, it’s just good manners.

Protect yourself: Wear bug spray and sunscreen, keep hydrated, dress in proper attire, including hiking shoes and multiple layers.

Be a good steward: As the saying goes, take only photos, and leave only footprints. It’s illegal to remove things from national parks (plants, rocks, fossils, specimens of any type).


For more information, look at helpful guides from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the National Park Service, or from your own state’s public university extension services.

USDA Camping Guidelines

National Park Service Camping Safety