Children farm safety

Sowing seeds of farm safety with children

Farms have changed — and the ways children experience a farm are changing, too. Fewer than 1 million youth live on farms but nearly 24 million will visit a farm, according to data from the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety (NCCRAHS).

But whether children live on the farm, visit the farm, or work the farm, farm owners should talk to them — and their parents — about farm safety. A little bit of communication could help prevent an accident on the farm.

If you’re visiting the farm If you’re working on the farm

When kids are on the farm

Children who don’t live on a farm may not know about the dangers they could encounter. Before any children arrive for a visit, try to see the farm as a child would. Farm buildings, equipment, and fields may look more like playgrounds than worksites. When guests arrive on the farm, talk to them about boundaries — where children can roam and what areas are off-limits.

Play spaces are safe spaces

If you have children living on your farm, designate a play area — and consider building a fence to separate the farm’s safe play area from its working areas.

Build the play area at least 50 feet from the hub of farm activity and any roadways. Keep it free from pests, wood or metal scraps, and open water. And choose a shady spot to help shelter children from sun, wind, and dust.

Be sure to childproof gates, barns, equipment, and sheds, too.

Farm animals are still animals

Children may find farm animals fascinating, but domesticated animals are still wild at heart. Popular YouTube videos and memes are a testament to this.

When farm animals feel they are cornered, they can get unpredictable. So, give your animals their own space and make the rules of interaction clear.

For farm equipment, it's one driver — no riders

Many kinds of farm equipment — especially tractors and certain all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) — do not have safe spots for passengers to ride. Farm equipment often lacks safety restraints for passengers, too.

Bumps, ditches, and uneven terrain can knock someone from a tractor or ATV. Plus, having a rider — especially a young one — can distract drivers and interfere with the safe operation of a farm vehicle.

Instead of letting children hop on something not meant for riders, offer them rides on farm vehicles designed for passengers, such as farm trucks or four-wheel drive vehicles. Another way to satisfy their curiosity is letting them sit in the operator’s seat while the engine is turned off and the key is removed.

How to say no to riders on farm equipment

Saying no to family, friends, and children who want to ride along can be a challenge. Here are some tips to help you with the task:

  • Drop a hint. Place “NO RIDERS” decals on farm equipment, reminding operators and potential passengers of the dangers.
  • Teach your children well. Instruct youth old enough to operate tractors that farm equipment is for work, not transportation.
  • Just say no. Refuse to allow your friends and family to ride with you, no matter how nicely they ask.

Teen farm workers

Theres a labor shortage. For farm owners, teenagers may be a solution to their needs for farm workers. More than 265,600 teens who didn’t live on the farm were hired in agriculture in 2014, the most current data available from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

So, these days, it’s even more important to to train your farm workers. While youth farm injuries are actually decreasing, nearly half of all fatal injuries to young workers from 2001 to 2015 were in agriculture, according to data gathered by National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH).

And the benefits of good training go beyond safety. Farm work gives teens income, opportunities for hands-on learning, and a chance to see the fruits of their labor (maybe even literally).

Here are three ways you can make sure teen farm workers work safely on the farm:

1. Model farm working behaviors

Use farm tools and farm equipment properly — and demonstrate key safety points. Encourage awareness of the surroundings, respect, and patience by practicing them yourself.

2. Interact with teen farm workers

Don’t just talk at your teen farm workers. Demonstrate how to perform a farm task and then watch them perform it. Consider documenting the farm work training in writing.

Teen farm workers may make mistakes, and that's okay. Correct their mistakes and review proper procedures as needed. Seek feedback from them, ask them questions, and answer they questions they have.

3. Understand that your teen farm workers are still kids

A little patience and consistent enforcement of the rules can help create a good relationship between you and the teens working on your farm.

When you’re training your teen farm workers, remember that they’re not always paying attention. Teens are still learning how to assess and manage risks. They may not always understand the consequences of their actions.

Actions of teen farm workers could cause injuries to themselves or others. You can mitigate the chances of an accident by helping teen workers learn how to judge risk and what to do in case they make a mistake or get stuck in a bad situation.

Sources: NCCRAHSNational Farm Medicine Center (NFMC)

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